Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Dr. Jack Newman

A little before June 20, 2008 some friends on a board were talking about their supply. It hurt me a lot to read about how wonderful things were going for the breastfeeding mothers. I felt like it was a special club that I couldn't be a part of. I felt like I had been cheated out of my chance to be able to talk about breastfeeding my son at home, nursing in public for the first time and all the funny stories about spraying your child in the face because of your let down. But I had no happy stories to tell and no pictures to share. I would look at all the pictures and wishing I could share that bond with my son. So I asked the question: Is it possible to re-lactate. And one person in particular said yes and write Dr. Jack Newman for help! Bless her for pushing me in the right direction.

So I sent him an e-mail. In less than 24 hours I had this response:

Dear Ms. B,

Actually, you can breastfeed on the birth control pill. The problem is that it may decrease the milk supply in some women, but your supply has already gone.

I must say I would not have handled your situation as you describe. In the first place, I’m against judging breastfeeding by % weight loss, which to me is a meaningless concept. I am also against nipple shields. I think they do nothing but undermine the breastfeeding, but make it seem as if breastfeeding is working. And that’s just for starters, but it’s also in the past.

So, stop the birth control pill and start domperidone. See below and attached.

yes, it's possible to restart, but it is best to get good hands on help.

If the baby will take the breast, anything is possible. In that case, see the website (this site is temporarily not working; in the meantime, see instead) and find the Protocol to increase breastmilk intake by the baby, attached, and use the video clips at the websites above to help you use the Protocol.

At the same site, find:

  1. When Latching
  2. Breast compression
  3. Using a lactation aid
  4. Cabbage leaves, herbs and lecithin
  5. Domperidone 1 and 2

Domperidone could be helpful in this situation, but should be used in conjunction with the Protocol, not as a "magic bullet". Contact your physician to get a prescription.

Attached to this email are the following early draft chapters from my book on the Latch.

  1. What is a good latch
  2. Not enough milk

If the baby does not take the breast, increasing the milk supply with domperidone will help the baby start taking the breast. Also, see the attached chapter on breast refusal (section on nursing strikes). This is not a nursing strike, but take the approach in this chapter on how to deal with a nursing strike. That is, take the baby into bed at night, with the baby in a diaper only and you undressed from the waist up. During the day, carry the baby around with you in a sling, with the breast available. Do not try to force the baby to take the breast. This is futile. If the baby will feed from an open cup (not a sippy cup) or a spoon or syringe, this may help.

For general breastfeeding information, see (For the moment see instead)

See also my book, Dr. Jack Newman's Guide to Breastfeeding (HarperCollins, 2nd revision 2005) as it's called in Canada, or The Ultimate Breastfeeding Book of Answers as it's called in the US (now out in a new edition, as of November 2006).

I now also have a new book out, published by Hale Publishing, called The Latch and other keys to Successful Breastfeeding. Ordering information is available at

We have an instructional DVD for breastfeeding called Dr. Jack Newman’s Visual Guide to Breastfeeding. For a preview and more information, see Though this site is down now, you can still get the DVD by emailing

Jack Newman, MD, FRCPC

We no longer receive government funding for our clinic and are constantly on the edge of having to close. If you value this service, please consider a donation to the Canadian Breastfeeding Foundation (registered charity) and earmark the donation for the Newman Breastfeeding Clinic and Institute. You can donate through their website

I did take parts of the e-mail out. The information here is still really great. If you are having troubles, I suggest you write him about your situation and get a response.

After this e-mail I purchased his DVD and books. I think they are a must have for any woman who wants to have a child. I wish I had read them before. I once again do not think I would be in this situation if I had read his books.

I then looked into purchasing Domperidome (Motilium). A friend of mine had to use it as well. She gave me a link to a site she trusted. I placed my order, stopped the pill and started to pump again...

1 comment:

Amber said...

I could cry reading your posts Monique. It hurts me to know how badly it hurt you that you felt left out. I'm so sorry for that! And I'm so beyond thrilled that you're "in the club" again. You're doing so wonderfully well. I think your story could help so many people.