I loved this documentary! I really wish that I had watched it before I had Kenneth. It has really opened my eyes. It really reaffirmed what I thought about intervention. And just in case "someone" isn't the only one that doesn't know what I mean by intervention, I will explain. Intervention, in terms of child birth, is anything that is not involved with natural child birth. They can be as slight as continuous fetal heartbeat monitoring. This was the first thing they hooked up to me with Kenneth. Hooking up the IV and/or hep lock. In my case I had an IV in one arm and a hep lock in the other. This makes it easier for the doctors and nurses to give you anything they please. Breaking your water so that they can attach an internal monitor to your baby. Then their are drugs used to induce, such as pitocin. This drug makes your contractions longer and stronger. Pain killers that can be given through an IV. It is already there and so it makes it so easy for you to say yes when asked. An epidural or spinal plug that is there to lessen the pain you feel from the waist down. And then the most invasive intervention, a cesarean section. These are just the ones that were used in my case, there are others.
Now don't get me wrong, I think there is a place for all of this. I do think there are some really great OBGYNs out there. I just think that there is a lack of understanding of how things should work for birth. A woman's body was made to withstand childbirth. We need to trust in our body. Know that our body will work with our baby. Know that the best and safest way to deliver a baby is vaginally. But also know that there is a small fraction that does need a section when things don't work the way they should. And we shouldn't feel like we failed no matter what. All we can do it provide the most comfortable birthing environment that we can and make informed choices about our birth to insure a safe mom and baby.
I don't think a home birth will work out for us. I still want to talk with the midwives that I would like to use if we change our mind. I want to know that I have options. I am not sure I would feel comfortable at home for many reasons. I don't think I would get all the support I am going to need to have the birth experience my baby and I deserve.
And an update on my doula search and a more understanding hospital and OBGYN. The only midwife that I can find that is covered by insurance is booked solid. So I am going after the OBGYN she works with. My doula (YES, I got the one I really wanted) is urging me to make sure I go with someone that I will be comfortable with and has similar beliefs about birth. Right now I am at an OBGYN practice. I think there is at least one of them that sees eye to eye with me. But I don't know for sure that he would be the one in the hospital. Also, I just don't feel warm and fuzzy about the hospital I delivered Kenneth at. And yes, I work there in a non-medical way. It is one of the reasons why I went with them. I also picked them since they have a NICU. If I go with the other hospital and NICU is needed, the baby will be transfered without me. But everything else told me to go with the other hospital. So I am going with my gut. And these hospitals are right down the street from each other. Therefore I still feel like the baby is safe no matter what happens. I am waiting for a call back to hopefully be set up as a new patient with Dr. W. I am so excited. I am feeling so optimistic about this right now.
An update on my to do list (that has changed some):
1. Started my stash of cloth diapers for this new little one. Well...I have worked out trades and they are being worked on with a little help!
2. Find a doula. I am super excited about this. We still need to iron things out, but my spot is reserved.
3. Watched The Business of Being Born. Wish I had listened to my friends and watched this before Kenneth.
4. I did find out about the LLL meetings. I haven't been able to attend them yet due to weather and being sick. I will get there though!
5. I have picked out a few books I want to read. I just need to make it happen now.
6. I am signed up for the child birth class offered by my doula. They start next Wednesday and there are 6 of them. I just hope my husband is going to be able to make them all. He said he will try to make the first one. I hope to bring his mother along when he can't make it.
1. I need to get an appointment with Dr. W. Please let him take me on as a new patient!
2. Read Ina May's Guide to Childbirth...again.
3. Read Natural Childbirth the Bradley Way. Maybe come up with a short version for my husband. I have ordered the book and should have it on Friday!
4. Read The Silent Knife. I have been meaning to for a while now.
5. Read The Thinking Woman's Guide to a Better Birth. It has been on the top of my list for a while.
6. Set up a meeting with the midwives.
7. Set up a meeting with my doula once I have talked with Dr. W or the midwives.
8. Set up a tour of the new hospital.
9. There are a few breastfeeding books that I want to read for the first time and again as well. I really want to make this work!
And now I must go find something to eat that is more nutritious than Easter candy!
I love the updates!!! Can I add a couple of suggestions?
1. Read Dr. Jack Newman's Guide to Breastfeeding. If you don't, I may have to fly down there and read it to you. LOL.
2. Also get a copy of Dr. Jack Newman's VISUAL Guide to Breastfeeding. It's about 45 minutes. I may actually be able to send you mine if you want.
3. Watch "Orgasmic Birth." It's even better than BOBB. The Doula Collective screened it here last year. I need to own this video and make every pregnant woman watch it. LOL
4. If you have any questions about anything, and need an answer from an expert in normal birth, go to Henci Goer's online forum. You can get there from www.hencigoer.com , click on the link to the forums and it's the "ask the expert" forum. Excellent, excellent resource!!!
HA! I forgot to add the breastfeeding books to my list. I need to do that!
1. I have it and I believe I already read it and love it. And I have at least one other book of his as well as a LC aid flip book. I got everything I could when I was trying to get Kenneth to nurse again.
2. I have this and have watched it countless times. I am going to watch it more. I need to find it along with the other books from #1.
3. I have seen clips from this. I haven't seen all of it though. I will have to add it to my list. I want to watch as many empowering birth videos as possible. I want information overload this time around.
4. Thank you! I will have to check that out.
Silly me! Of course you'd already read those books! I actually just re-read your post from 2008 when you emailed Dr. Jack.
Just wanted to tell you how awesome you are, and I'm rooting for you!
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