Thursday, July 31, 2008


Well, I think I may have figured out what gets my milk flowing…SLEEP! Here I am sitting at work pumping and I start to doze off. I then hear a funny noise. I look down to see the little canister overflowing onto my pants. So I turn the pump off, not knowing what else to do since I am all strapped in! I didn’t want to stop the milk flow just to get it started again. So I quickly take the storage containers off and put new ones on. I then start the pump up again to get my full 15 minutes in!

So today I made a record pumping session of at least 6 oz!!!! BUT…I now have to walk around with milk on my pants. I wonder when the smell will kick in…sigh! I wonder how the next session will go. I might try the sleeping technique again. If 6 oz. is going to be the norm, I am going to need to switch back to the Medela bottles to pump into! I just hope I don’t jinx myself and not pump this much again. I will just have to wait and see…

Updates to follow…

We will just say that the rest of the day wasn't as good. It was pretty normal. What is frustrating is that they still feel somewhat full when the 15 minutes is up. I always hand express as much as I can after...but it still feels like there is more. The one exception is when I pumped the 6 oz. They felt empty after that! UGH!

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