Saturday, November 6, 2010

7 Weeks and going strong

I have been meaning to post forever and give an update.  Long story short, things are going great.  I am tying one handed right now because my daughter is NURSING!  That is so nice to type.  A little hard to do, but I never got to with Kenneth.

This greatness does not come without worry.  When I first nursed her I was worried that she would have a lazy latch or one of many latch issues.  I worried as I got closer to the time that my supply dried up that it would happen again.  I worried that once we introduced the bottle that she would reject the breast.  I have made it past all of those, but there are more worries to come.

I am worried about going back to work in five weeks.  I am worried about how many bottles she will need.  How much should I put in each bottle?  Will she drink for them or wait and cluster feed while I am with her?  Will I be able to pump enough for her while at work?  Will I be able to build a stash for her over the next 5 weeks for her first day and to give her a bottle each week?

I just want her to self wean after a year and for us to keep this bond.  I would love it if we made it to two years.  I almost made it to that pumping for Kenneth.  Well, 7 weeks down...

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