Saturday, September 13, 2008

3 AM

Kenneth seems to do better in the VERY early morning hours! He woke up around 2:30 AM and wanted his bottle. After he was finished he was acting like he was still hungry. I was leaking at the time and in desperate need of being pumped or fed of off. So I gave him the breast. He of course bites away. So I put on the nipple shield and he goes to town.

My husband interrupts this process by deciding he finally wants to go to bed. So he comes up with both the chihuahuas and there is an ambush. Kenneth starts freaking out and that was the end of the nursing session. I figure he had to have gotten 2-3 ounces! This is the best progress we have made! I think he would have nursed longer with no distractions. I look at this as another step in the right direction! It is these wins that keep me going!


Gilliebean said...

Hooray!!! Well, not for the dogs, but definitely for Kenneth!

Amber said...

That's so awesome that you've got him BFing some of the time! Congrats Monique!

Crissy Hagan said...

You rock! I am so happy for you. I hope it goes for longer next time and longer after that..