It has been way too long since I have posted an update. And now for a little funny. I got on here to see when my last post was. I knew I had gotten as far as a title on one. Guess what the title was? "Almost 34 weeks! WHAT?!?!?!?" So yeah...I tried to stay on top of things and failed! I am in total sock at this point.
So what has been going on. I have been keeping my weight in check. I started this pregnancy with about 10 more pounds than I had at the start of Kenneth's pregnancy. The wonderful part is, I am still around 30 pounds away from my ending weight with Kenneth's pregnancy. The scary part is, I still have 2-3 weeks to keep this in check! And I still think it was the last few weeks with Kenneth that I gained all that weight. Granted, I saw that pregnancy as a free pass to eat whatever I wanted and as much as I wanted. I am at least a little wiser this time around. Granted, with the amount of food I consumed today you wouldn't think so. But I had two salads...and I will not speak of the rest ;)
What else, I had my 37 week check up with Dr. W on Thursday. Sydney is still up high, -3, and no effacement or dilation yet. She is head down though. So I started up the evening primrose oil last week and my husband is keeping up on his end of the deal so to speak! It will be interesting to see what, if any progress she has made in the last week. I need to start walking again. It is just that my pelvis tends to feel like it is going to rip apart if I walk too much. But I need to do it. And my strep (GBS?) test was negative! So no IV or anything for me! So excited about that. I gave him a very simple birth plan with three things on it. No IV or hep lock, no pit after birth, and no clamping/cutting of the cord until it stops pulsing. And he is just fine with all of that. Things are going to be so different!
And I met with my doula, M, last weekend. She went over more things with me. She is really great and I can't wait to have her there to help my husband and I through this. I just can't say enough about her and yet I am at a loss for words.
Hospital bag is more or less packed. I have a change of clothing for me, a change of clothing for Sydney (in case her outfit doesn't get here in time), some crackers, Gatorade, a pen, and a note book. I just don't feel like bringing a ton of crap. It is all in my husbands car already. We just have to remember the camera and maybe some flip flops for me.
All of Sydney's clothing has been washed. Most of her diapers have been washed. We have had dryer issues for a while. It turns out it is the duct that vents the dryer. We are going to get a new metal one on the 1st. So then I will be able to do laundry at home. We have been going over to the in-laws. It has been really nice though. I just wish I could go over there and spend some time without all the laundry for once.
And now I am getting to tired to think. I feel like there was so much more I wanted to say. I am really excited about this birth. I just need to trust in my body!